HennyQ Consulting

business consulting
for growth

Helping you to save costs and optimise your office performance and productivity to promote growth.

How HennyQ Started

it all began with a Common Gap

The idea and need for HennyQ Consulting was established over time by identifying a common issue across businesses and organisations in many industries and of all sizes: The neglect of office operations, administrative processes and teams’ development, potential and capabilities.

Administration or Office Operations is like your organisation's nervous system: it impacts ALL aspects of your business.
With an ineffective nervous system (Administration/Office Operation), it is impossible to operate at optimum levels.

Investing in your administrative processes, systems and people will reduce costs and increase the capacity to focus on what you do best, growth and development.

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HennyQ's values

Integrity &
Effectiveness &

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to find out what only HennyQ Consulting can offer you.

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