HennyQ Consulting

Business Consulting for Growth

Helping you to save costs and optimise your office performancce and productivity to promote growth.

Meet Henny McMahon, Founder Of HennyQ Consulting

Henny McMahon is a seasoned professional (over 15 years of experience) with a diverse background and a strong track record of success in various industries.

With a passion for excellence and a keen eye for innovation, Henny brings a wealth of experience and expertise to any organisation she engages with.

With a Master's degree in Business Administration from a prestigious university, Henny has developed a solid foundation in strategic planning and general business operations. She has demonstrated exceptional leadership skills throughout her career, successfully driving high-performing teams and achieving key business objectives.Henny's professional journey began in the hospitality industry in Germany, where she honed her problem-solving abilities and customer service skills. Henny has worked in many different administrative functions and other roles in Australia, Germany and Greece and has gained a sound understanding and insight into businesses and organisations of all sizes.

Leveraging her keen business acumen, Henny has consistently delivered results, driving revenue growth and improving operational efficiency. In combination with her interpersonal and communication skills, Henny has become an office performance and productivity expert. Throughout her career, Henny has developed a keen interest in office operations and how administrative processes and systems impact the entire organisation.

One could say Administration has become her 'Super Power'.

How HennyQ Consulting Began

The idea and need for HennyQ Consulting was established over time by identifying a common issue across businesses and organisations in many industries and of all sizes: The neglect of office operations, administrative processes and teams’ development, potential and capabilities.

Administration or Office Operations is like your organisation's nervous system: it impacts ALL aspects of your business.
With an ineffective nervous system (Administration/Office Operation), it is impossible to operate at optimum levels.

Investing in your administrative processes, systems and people will reduce costs and increase the capacity to focus on what you do best, growth and development.

HennyQ Consulting exists to help you build and scale your business to the next level. By leveraging and maximising your administrative capabilities, you create efficiencies for your business and increase your ability to focus on your Growth strategy.


What our clients say about us

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An Amazing Work For Our Home - Architect X Webflow Template
Miles Johnson - Architect X Webflow Template

“They did an amazing work for our home”

Hendrerit augue libero ut sollicitudin velit iaculis mi  imperdiet volutpat atolm aliquet mauris ullamcorper amet  commodo commodo arcu.

Miles Johnson, New York
Beautiful And Special - Architect X Webflow Template
Lily Woods - Architect X Webflow Template

“Our home design is unique, beautiful and special”

Hendrerit augue libero ut sollicitudin velit iaculis mi  imperdiet volutpat atolm aliquet mauris ullamcorper amet  commodo commodo arcu.

Lily Woods, New York
Comfy And Modern - Architect X Webflow Template
Kathie Corl - Architect X Webflow Template

“Love how our home looks more comfy and modern”

Hendrerit augue libero ut sollicitudin velit iaculis mi  imperdiet volutpat atolm aliquet mauris ullamcorper amet  commodo commodo arcu.

Kathie Corl, San Francisco
An Amazing Work For Our Home - Architect X Webflow Template
Miles Johnson - Architect X Webflow Template

“They did an amazing work for our home”

Hendrerit augue libero ut sollicitudin velit iaculis mi  imperdiet volutpat atolm aliquet mauris ullamcorper amet  commodo commodo arcu.

Miles Johnson, New York
Beautiful And Special - Architect X Webflow Template
Lily Woods - Architect X Webflow Template

“Our home design is unique, beautiful and special”

Hendrerit augue libero ut sollicitudin velit iaculis mi  imperdiet volutpat atolm aliquet mauris ullamcorper amet  commodo commodo arcu.

Lily Woods, New York
Comfy And Modern - Architect X Webflow Template
Kathie Corl - Architect X Webflow Template

“Love how our home looks more comfy and modern”

Hendrerit augue libero ut sollicitudin velit iaculis mi  imperdiet volutpat atolm aliquet mauris ullamcorper amet  commodo commodo arcu.

Kathie Corl, San Francisco
An Amazing Work For Our Home - Architect X Webflow Template
Miles Johnson - Architect X Webflow Template

“They did an amazing work for our home”

Hendrerit augue libero ut sollicitudin velit iaculis mi  imperdiet volutpat atolm aliquet mauris ullamcorper amet  commodo commodo arcu.

Miles Johnson, New York
Beautiful And Special - Architect X Webflow Template
Lily Woods - Architect X Webflow Template

“Our home design is unique, beautiful and special”

Hendrerit augue libero ut sollicitudin velit iaculis mi  imperdiet volutpat atolm aliquet mauris ullamcorper amet  commodo commodo arcu.

Lily Woods, New York
Comfy And Modern - Architect X Webflow Template
Kathie Corl - Architect X Webflow Template

“Love how our home looks more comfy and modern”

Hendrerit augue libero ut sollicitudin velit iaculis mi  imperdiet volutpat atolm aliquet mauris ullamcorper amet  commodo commodo arcu.

Kathie Corl, San Francisco

Get in touch today